Thursday 29 May 2014

Gender Politics: Entry #3


The Rise of The Feminazis

From the late 19th to the early 20th century, the feminist movement was pioneered by a group of women with the goal to obtain equal rights among woman and to be viewed as men's equal, which they have succeed after the second wave of feminism that occurred in the 60s lasted in the 80s. However, in modern era, feminism have introduced a certain group of women who have a radical approach feminism to which they are known as Feminazis. 

The term feminazis was coined by radio host Rush Limbaugh, which is used to describe a group of women with radical views claim they want to be liberated from the so-called "patriarchal system" when in reality they want to achieve female supremacy, where women are superior to men. These feminazis believe everything in society and the world should conform to their ideology, while depriving others of their own civil liberties like freedom of speech, sense of individuality etc. So whenever these feminazis claim they want equality, they really aim for special treatments at the expense of the rights of the other sex, obviously men. This goes to prove how self-centred these Feminazis can be as they believe that sexism only applies to women, while ignoring that FACT that sexism applies both ways as men can experience sexism from women as it's HUMAN NATURE. 

There are reasons for the term feminazi for those radical feminists is because they like to use any statistics from reports on crimes like domestic violence where women are depicted as the victims and men are the oppressors as propaganda to a way to persuade women to join their cause just like the Nazis use propaganda where jews are the enemies to recruit people, including the young to join the nazi party, Hitler youth and to justify the holocaust. 

These feminazis tend to use the words "misogyny" or "sexism" to label anything that they do not like, even though it's not relevant, for example, Sheryl Sandberg's ban bossy campaign because she feels that the word bossy discourages women from pursing leadership roles from childhood, yet there are worst words to call women such as "bitch", "slut", "whore" etc. However those words are misogynist coming from a man's mouth but women say those things more often, while it's fine for women to call men "dickheads" or "assholes" although men say those words too. 

Feminazis love to label all men as violent and raping misogynists by using the fact that men have high testosterone levels to justify their beliefs, despite women are capable of violence as well because it's HUMAN NATURE. Yes, men have high levels of testosterone that can make them aggressive, competitive, risk-taking, but that does not make them ALL misogynists. But it's alright for feminists to brand all men as misogynist because they'll be seen as the victims. However, it would be "sexist" or "misogynic" to say women are capable of being mean, devious, vicious, manipulative, self-centred, ungrateful and unaccountable hypocrites, wouldn't it? I could say this is due to their female narcissism, wait that would be sexist to say female narcissism rather than narcissism in general. 

Feminazis believe they speak for all women, while in reality they want ALL women to agree with them and preventing them from admitting that men and women can be violent or be victims and if they do, these feminazis, they would be branded as "rape apologists" or "internal misogynists". Lame. Here i thought these feminists care about equality for women, when they prevent women from speaking for themselves and make choices based on their own preferences and take accountability for them. Women are rejecting feminism because these feminazis make women feel bad about the choices that they made based on their preferences and whenever they claim they are protesting for women's rights, yet they are not letting other women voicing their own opinions which does not suit their ideology or undermine their credibility. 

Feminazis also use the word misogyny in an attempt to manipulate men by inducing shame for being men where they can be exploited and disposed of afterwards. This is because in modern society, if a man is branded a misogynist, he is automatically known as scum and recognised as public enemy #1 by people in society and by the media. Therefore, those men become their willing pawns, just to satisfy their fragile egos and convince themselves they are not misogynists by becoming their white knights in shining armour who would comes to their rescue whenever they are being harassed or in other sorts of trouble like the damsels in distress. 

Wait, i thought these feminazis  do not like being portrayed as the damsels in distress, especially in video games, yet they seem to play the role of the victim that needs rescuing like the damsels in distress. Oh wait, men will get branded as sexist because by their logic, this is known as benevolent sexism, even though he is willing to risks his life to help her and be seen as their disposable subject because if a men does not save a women in trouble, feminazis will label him as a misogynist. 

What i think about feminism? I believe these feminazis have tainted the word feminism to suit their personal agenda to control everything and make it all about women while depriving men of their own rights as they claim they want equality. I'm all for equality, but i do not like these feminazis who want to control everything and project their own judgements on something and force their opinions down people's throats to prove that they are right.  

I believe their mindset about those who do not follow their ideology, particularly men goes like this:

"If you're not a feminist, you're a misogynist!"

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