Wednesday 11 December 2013

Comics: Entry #1

"Behold!, An All-New Ms Marvel!!" 

A New Heroine For A New Generation

It's official, Marvel has unveiled a new female character who has taken the mantle of an iconic superheroine, and get this: she is a muslim!! Ladies and gentleman, comic book fans alike meet Kamala Khan! She's just an average 16-year old Pakistani-American teenager hailing from new jersey who suddenly develops superpowers and decides to use her powers for good as the new Ms Marvel!!! 

What do I think? I'm actually interested on how it turns out, why? Because it's often rare for muslim women, especially of those of Asian or Middle Eastern descent to be portrayed in comics or other forms of media in a positive light as being strong, courageous, independent, rather than the "damsels in distress" where they are oppressed, dependent and helpless along with a limited sense of freedom. Although there has been some, for example marvel's Dust - an Afghan mutant with the ability to transform into sand and happens to be a devout muslim. 

But what's so different about Kamala Khan and why she's big news? Simple, she's just taking over the mantle of the iconic superheroine Ms Marvel who was originally Carol Danvers, who had that all-american look: blonde hair & blue eyes.

Carol Danvers, the original Ms Marvel
What's more interesting is that unlike the previous Ms Marvel, who was super-strong, invulnerable, can fly and release energy blasts, this new Ms Marvel is a polymorph, a shapeshifter who can change size and shape to become anything and in time anyone. The way I see it, by giving this Ms Marvel shapeshifting powers is actually a smart move, why? because I see it as a metaphor for freedom, as in freedom for people to explore, experience and enjoy life through their own eyes along with the right to decide on who they want to be without feeling restricted by either race, sex, age, culture, religion along with stereotypes dictating their lives. 

As the shapeshifting heroine, Kamala Khan aka Ms Marvel will have the opportunity to be anyone or anything she wants as an escape whenever she feels the pressures of being shackled by the chains of social norms, stereotypical traditions, culture and religion of being a muslim woman, although she feel conflicted with the idea of abandoning her heritage, culture, faith, religion, identity as well as her family & friends to become something or something that she's not, just to escape. However, she has to embrace who she is and realising she has the right to make her own decisions like anyone else. 

I see this as a huge step on changing how the public views muslim women from all ages as how muslim women perceive themselves along with breaking down the stereotypes that associates with them. With Kamala Khan acting as Ms Marvel, we have a superheroine who can provide an insight on what's it like to live as a muslim and a woman, especially in post 9/11 America.This new Ms Marvel can serve as a role model for muslim women of all ages and different paths in life who they can relate to and for them to look up to as an inspiration of hope, freedom and empowerment whenever they are struggling with the high expectations of living up to their culture while remaining true to their religion, along with questioning their faith. 

It's good to see diversity in comics as it reflects how the world is in the 21st century, although racism, sexism and homophobia, as it is is still alive and ongoing, even in the modern century. As the saying goes "for every action, there must be reaction". While the news of the new Ms Marvel being a muslim is exciting for many, especially for muslim women, others are less than thrilled, claiming it as a publicity stunt or a politically correct strategy to attract new and generating sales by cashing in on minorities. Another reason for a negative response towards the new Ms Marvel is the possibility that she will be setting a bad example towards people within Islamic communities, as she is not depicted in a headscarf or a niqab. Therefore it will encourage muslim women to withdraw from their religion, culture and faith, when she is meant to empower muslim women and for them to take pride in their culture and religion. 

If people can forget all the controversy about her being a muslim in the post 911 America as the new Ms Marvel and accept the fact that she is just a normal person like anyone else and hopefully kind, caring, strong and independent.
"She's Marvelous"
All i can say is: "Good Luck Kamala Khan on changing the world as the New Ms Marvel!!!"


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