Sunday 17 August 2014

Gender Politics: Entry #4

Feminism: It sells 

Feminism was (probably still is) a movement aiming for women to be free, self-reliant and responsible for their own choices along with having equal treatments on par with men. As of now, feminism is currently used for another purpose: profit.

Feminism is being used by advertisements as a brand that deliver a message with a powerful tone that echoes empowerment towards women in hopes this will persuade them into purchasing their goods and services. This shows that feminism is proven to be an effective brand tool that aids advertiser in selling their products and services towards women. 

Using feminism as a marketing tool seems to work empowers women by making them feel strong and independent, which elevate their self-esteem because women are insecure as they are known to be emotionally sensitive. 

This makes it easier for businesses to use feminism to exploit the insecurities of women if not, exposing their gullibility in an attempt to manipulate women through influencing their decisions to buy their products and services so women will feel empowered. After all, one of the aspects of feminism is about female empowerment. 

One of the examples of businesses/advertisers of using feminism as a brand to sell products to women is Marvel's editorial decision recast Thor, a superhero inspired by norse mythology in the main marvel universe known as Earth-616 into a woman.

This move has generated controversy because Thor has always been male not only in the history of comics, but in Norse mythology and some see this as an another gimmick to generate profit at the risk of undermining the history of the original Thor along with making an impact on the credibility and history of Norse Mythology itself, the source of Marvel's Thor. But as long as this strategy makes comic many fangirls and fanboys happy that Thor is being portrayed as a strong female character that empowers women, Marvel's bank balance is happy with reinforced monetary gains, which confirms that feminism sells.

Strong Women, its sells, GIRL POWER!!!

Feminism can be used to objectify women in fields, which includes media, politics, sports, businesses by portraying them as "feminist icons". A good example is Beyonce, a grammy award-winning singer, songwriter and actress that delivers strong messages that empowers women through her songs to be strong and independent (Me,myself and I) to be sexy (Partition), to be in control and remain true to their beliefs (Run the World). 

Sexy & Fierce: Feminist Icon right there!
Another good example, perhaps a perfect one than Beyonce is Olympic gold-medalist Jessica Ennis, who has not confirmed that she is a feminist, but she doesn't need to as her brilliant performance at the 2012 Summer Olympic games had made her into a role model for women from all ages and background to look up as a source of inspiration for to achieve their goals and never give up, even when the odds are against them. 

Because feminism recognising successful women as role models, advertisers can use them as feminists icons so businesses can sell their products and services towards women under guise that they will feel empowered just to elevate their self-esteem. Ironically enough, these successful women are being objectified by women, including feminists themselves as icons for the purpose of inspiration and empowerment towards women, which confirms that while feminists loath objectification of women unless it suits their agenda. Now here's a penny for a thought: women are being objectified, but by who, men or women? 

I guess as long as women are buying products and services from businesses under the pretence that they are empowered and being liberated from their insecurities along with businesses getting rich off feminism, then it's safe to say that feminism does sell.

Saturday 19 July 2014

Update: Entry #2

No blog in June

I would like to apologise for the lack of blog last month as i was…well kinda being a lazy bugger, i know and it's a drag. However, i have been started doing volunteer work at the British Red Cross just to get some work experience as i do not have the perfect track record when it comes to jobs. Yet i am actually finding volunteer work to be enlightening. 

As soon as i have time, i will be blogging ASAP, but i am not sure how many blogs i will be posting as the lazy bugger i can be, but rest assured i will be making an effort, a huge one in fact just to compensate my lack of drive. 


Thursday 29 May 2014

Gender Politics: Entry #3


The Rise of The Feminazis

From the late 19th to the early 20th century, the feminist movement was pioneered by a group of women with the goal to obtain equal rights among woman and to be viewed as men's equal, which they have succeed after the second wave of feminism that occurred in the 60s lasted in the 80s. However, in modern era, feminism have introduced a certain group of women who have a radical approach feminism to which they are known as Feminazis. 

The term feminazis was coined by radio host Rush Limbaugh, which is used to describe a group of women with radical views claim they want to be liberated from the so-called "patriarchal system" when in reality they want to achieve female supremacy, where women are superior to men. These feminazis believe everything in society and the world should conform to their ideology, while depriving others of their own civil liberties like freedom of speech, sense of individuality etc. So whenever these feminazis claim they want equality, they really aim for special treatments at the expense of the rights of the other sex, obviously men. This goes to prove how self-centred these Feminazis can be as they believe that sexism only applies to women, while ignoring that FACT that sexism applies both ways as men can experience sexism from women as it's HUMAN NATURE. 

There are reasons for the term feminazi for those radical feminists is because they like to use any statistics from reports on crimes like domestic violence where women are depicted as the victims and men are the oppressors as propaganda to a way to persuade women to join their cause just like the Nazis use propaganda where jews are the enemies to recruit people, including the young to join the nazi party, Hitler youth and to justify the holocaust. 

These feminazis tend to use the words "misogyny" or "sexism" to label anything that they do not like, even though it's not relevant, for example, Sheryl Sandberg's ban bossy campaign because she feels that the word bossy discourages women from pursing leadership roles from childhood, yet there are worst words to call women such as "bitch", "slut", "whore" etc. However those words are misogynist coming from a man's mouth but women say those things more often, while it's fine for women to call men "dickheads" or "assholes" although men say those words too. 

Feminazis love to label all men as violent and raping misogynists by using the fact that men have high testosterone levels to justify their beliefs, despite women are capable of violence as well because it's HUMAN NATURE. Yes, men have high levels of testosterone that can make them aggressive, competitive, risk-taking, but that does not make them ALL misogynists. But it's alright for feminists to brand all men as misogynist because they'll be seen as the victims. However, it would be "sexist" or "misogynic" to say women are capable of being mean, devious, vicious, manipulative, self-centred, ungrateful and unaccountable hypocrites, wouldn't it? I could say this is due to their female narcissism, wait that would be sexist to say female narcissism rather than narcissism in general. 

Feminazis believe they speak for all women, while in reality they want ALL women to agree with them and preventing them from admitting that men and women can be violent or be victims and if they do, these feminazis, they would be branded as "rape apologists" or "internal misogynists". Lame. Here i thought these feminists care about equality for women, when they prevent women from speaking for themselves and make choices based on their own preferences and take accountability for them. Women are rejecting feminism because these feminazis make women feel bad about the choices that they made based on their preferences and whenever they claim they are protesting for women's rights, yet they are not letting other women voicing their own opinions which does not suit their ideology or undermine their credibility. 

Feminazis also use the word misogyny in an attempt to manipulate men by inducing shame for being men where they can be exploited and disposed of afterwards. This is because in modern society, if a man is branded a misogynist, he is automatically known as scum and recognised as public enemy #1 by people in society and by the media. Therefore, those men become their willing pawns, just to satisfy their fragile egos and convince themselves they are not misogynists by becoming their white knights in shining armour who would comes to their rescue whenever they are being harassed or in other sorts of trouble like the damsels in distress. 

Wait, i thought these feminazis  do not like being portrayed as the damsels in distress, especially in video games, yet they seem to play the role of the victim that needs rescuing like the damsels in distress. Oh wait, men will get branded as sexist because by their logic, this is known as benevolent sexism, even though he is willing to risks his life to help her and be seen as their disposable subject because if a men does not save a women in trouble, feminazis will label him as a misogynist. 

What i think about feminism? I believe these feminazis have tainted the word feminism to suit their personal agenda to control everything and make it all about women while depriving men of their own rights as they claim they want equality. I'm all for equality, but i do not like these feminazis who want to control everything and project their own judgements on something and force their opinions down people's throats to prove that they are right.  

I believe their mindset about those who do not follow their ideology, particularly men goes like this:

"If you're not a feminist, you're a misogynist!"

Monday 5 May 2014

Update: Entry #1

No blog in April, you ask? 

My sincerest Apologises for the no blog(s) in April because i was pre-occupied with work at a nursing agency on a temporary contract and i am currently writing on a new blog which will be posted shortly i hope. 

Drew Yetti

Sunday 16 March 2014

Life Stories: Entry #1

Brian Banks: 

A Life Shattered, A Life Rebuilt

After coming across this article on the web, i had to write a blog and perhaps the longest one i've ever written as i found this to be incredible and inspiring.

This man is Brian Banks, a native from Long Beach, California. At that age of 16, he attended Long Beach Polytechnic High School where he played as a linebacker for his High School American Football team with dreams of playing for the National Football League (NFL). With college recruiters watching him and offering scholarships, it seemed Brian Banks was on way to a promising future, that was until it was all taken away by one lie made by one person and that person goes by the name Wanetta Gibson.

Wanetta Gibson The "victim".

Wanetta was a student who attended the same high school as Brian Banks and one day she and Brian decided go to the stairwell and engaged in a making out session but it did not lead to sexual intercourse. Afterwards, they left on good terms as friends, but Wanetta made a false accusation of being kidnapped and raped by Brian Banks, and to make matters worst Brian was expelled and arrested on the charge of rape. Despite the lack of DNA evidence of the rape ever happened, Brian was still charged and his lawyer who was supposed to help prove his innocence, instead encouraged him to accept a plea bargain rather than going to court where he would likely to be sentenced to 40 years if found guilty because the jury and the judge would see him as a black man being seen as a criminal and the woman as the victim. In the end, Brian Banks was left with no other choice but to take the plea bargain at the cost of proving his innocence and was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment and 5 years on probation along with being registered as a sex offender. 

As for Wanetta Gibson, she and her mother Wanda received a settlement of $1.5m after filling a lawsuit against the school district claiming the environment was not safe because of a rape that did not happen at all. This means Wanetta created a lie that her mother went along with and conned the system out of over a million while at the same time destroying an innocent man's credibility, along opportunity of a college education and his dreams of being an NFL player, thus sending him to prison where he would live a life of despair.

I can only imagine that if i was in Brian's shoes, i would feel like the world was against me and i would be sacred, i would cry along with being depressed and suicidal, but at the same time i feel be angry, vengeful and bitterness towards that girl who ruined my life and the justice system for being so flawed and arguable biased. However, i would keep questioning myself on if i did anything wrong to deserve this or thinking to myself that i wouldn't be in this mess if i haven't made out with that girl. These would be the type of things i would ask myself i was in Brian's position, Yet Brian was able make use of the 5 years in prison by reading books to not only keep himself educated, but as an escape from this nightmare.

After spending 5 years in prison for "rape", Brian was released on parole for 5 years and registered as a sex offender and this all because of one boldface lie? Unbelievable, but this type of injustice is ongoing where innocent people wrongly imprisoned for a crime they did not even commit, let alone happen. Rape is an appalling crime and there's no denying that, but lie about it is just plain wrong and for an individual to be falsely accused of it? That is the worst thing in my opinion because when that happens, that person becomes public enemy number one as seen by the system, the media along with being judged as scum by people in society.

During those 5 years on probation, Brian Banks was still identified as a criminal, a "rapist" in the eyes of the system where he would be electronically tagged and his chance to start a normal life was slim as he was not only a prisoner in his own hometown, but as a prisoner in his own life, a life that was his to control. Those times must have been difficult, yet sad because he could not get a job, let alone walk around the streets without people judging him and viewing him as a danger to society as a sexual predator who's on his next prowl without knowing of his innocence. Right know, Brian Banks' dream wasn't about play for the NFL anymore, it was Freedom. 

Life continued to be bleak for Brian Banks that was until a one day, he was on facebook and a friend request was sent to him by the very person who told the very lie that changed everything: Wanetta Gibson. At first, Brian was shocked and understandably angry at the very face who ruined is life now wants to be added as his friend. If that was me, i too would be shocked and say what the F***!!! then i'll express my resentment, my sorrow while asking why did you do it? 

But for Brian Banks, he wrote back to Wanetta with this Response: "Why would you friend request me?" Wanetta Replies: "I figured you and i let bygones be bygones. I was immature then, but I'm much more mature now". Right there, I was thinking: Damn right you was immature for making a lie like that and here i thought women we're supposed to be more mature than men as they mature faster, right. 

At this moment, Brian believe this was the "one in a lifetime" opportunity to get the truth out of Wanetta and to prove his innocence once and for all and he arranged a meeting with her for that very reason. During that time, Brian felt his dream of being a Pro NFL player had been reignited and believed that if he can get the truth, he could start following his dream which should have been fulfilled years ago if it had not been for the deceitful act of one person. 

In the present, Wanetta has squandered all that money that she conned out of the system for her lies and now she is a single mother with kids and i think that because she had no money, she thought that she could try to get Brian to forgive her just so she could avoid facing accountability for her actions if Brian ever wanted to press charges on her for her lies.

When it was time for the meeting, the two meet face to face and started a conversation where Wanetta admitted that Brian Banks never kidnapped and raped her as it was all a lie. Brian then asked her if she could help clear his name, however as much as Wanetta would like to, all she cared about was having to pay back the whole $1.5m that she received for that one lie that she made up. Really, money was her only concern after all the grief and despair that an innocent man went through because of her lies. Typical, Like the saying goes: "don't do the crime, if you can't do the time". Women like them never learn.
"Willing to come clean, but not to dry"
But little did Wanetta Gibson know, Brian hired a private investigator and secretly recored the whole conversation, including the false rape accusation and Wanetta's reluctance to clear his name. The prove of his innocence was guaranteed and the next day, Brian took his case to the innocence project attorneys, who then proceed to court where the prosecutors overruled his conviction. This is where the exoneration of Brian Banks begins as the truth finally comes to light and first thing Brian Banks did was to break down in tears as the eternal nightmare has finally reached an end.

After that event the first thing he did was was to remove the electronic tag, the last shackle that restricted him to a life of adversity and despair, but all Brian wanted to do was to play football again and to prove that he still got what it takes to become a pro NFL player. The first he did was go back to gym and train hard to get back into fitness, although having not been played football for 10 years, let alone being out of shape is a handicap by a huge margin and the chance of being a Pro NFL player was a longshot, but Brian was still determined to prove otherwise. 

Through a series of rejections from training camps of national football teams, in the summer of 2012, Brian was offered a try out for the Seattle Seahawks by head coach Pete Carroll, who at the time was coach for the University of Southern California (USC) had offered Brian a scholarship while he was at high school in 2002. After hearing Brian's story, Coach Pete Carroll decided to give him a chance because he believes in second chances and felt this was the opportunity that should have been for Brian. 

Reunited at last (With Coach Carroll)
With the gratitude of a second chance, Brian Banks was motivated more than ever and trained hard and long as this was the make or break opportunity for him to impress everyone at the training camp, even with Pete Carroll having 100% confidence in him. Although displaying an impressive performance, Brian did not make the cut as 10 years without playing football did have an impact on his athletic ability, yet he still refuse to let that determine him.

In September 2012 Brian got another chance at pro football where he signed for the Las Vegas Locomotives of the United Football League (UFL) where he played two games and made at least one impressive tackle despite his 10 years of inexperience. However, the  Locomotives season was suspended in October 2012 and Brian was released, still the ambitious flame of Brian Banks had not yet been extinguished, in fact it only grew bigger as he was more determined to train hard and to never give up as he still had something to prove. 

On April 2013, The Atlanta Falcons, one of the most prominent and professional teams in the state wanted to sign Brian Banks as their linebacker and at last he is given the reward that he not only earned but deserved as it showed that with hard work and determination along with a strong mindset, anyone can reach their goals and achieve their dreams. After signing on with the Falcons, Brian is ready to make his mark as an legend on his preseason debut on the field where everyone at the stadium were looking forward to see him in action and rooting for him to succeed as his story was touching them and inspiring. I must admit, i was there i would bee rooting for him as well and would be so jealous of the people who watched his preseason debut.

Although he made an impressive performance on his debut, unfortunately Brian did not make the cut and therefore was released by the falcons. This was heartbreaking news for everyone who heard of his story had hoped that he would be a pro as his story was inspiring and felt that everything he went through was all in vain. If it had not been for a biased system and one lie from a poor excuse of a human being, Brian would have made it as a pro and all the potential was wasted and it was a really shame too. I would be unforgiving towards Wanetta Gibson for that terrible and deceitful act that she did, but Brian should his display of character and forgave her something that is too good for her. 

A pro to the very end.

This showed that Brian Banks is a bigger man than any of us, especially me as we would be forever filled with bitterness as he believed that remaining bitter, he would waste his energy and not using that energy to find new opportunities.

As he experienced what life was like as being falsely accused of a crime he did not commit, Brian Banks became a spokesman for the innocence project to help others who are in a similar situation and this was his new dream: Freedom, which is the greatest gift that anyone takes for granted. Now at the age of 27, he continues with his determination to help those who are wrongly accused and imprisoned and since his story as a falsely accused rapist to a professional NFL player was so inspiring, there is going to be a movie deal based on his life and i personally cannot wait for this to happen. 

As for Wanetta Gibson, there is a lawsuit demanding her to pay back all the money, personally i want her to be charged for defamation of character as making false accusations of rape is not only damaging to the accused, but it is an insult to real rape victims both men and women. I also cannot believe the state let this devious and conniving con the system out of $1.5m and refuse to press any charges. Unbelievable, don't have any shame? I guess not but we should realise that life is not fair and never will be, but by following Brian Banks' example, we should move on to the better things. 

This proves how a single lie can a change the game and what i mean by game is how life: a game where sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. A single has changed Brian Banks' life in more ways than one, usually for the bad, but it is surprisingly for the better because his story is now known by everyone, including including celebrities as it is incredible, yet inspiring.

On the tonight show with Jay Leno
We now have to opportunity to take a long good look about the consequences of false rape accusations and how affects individuals along with raising awareness of the issue and for people to have a second guess about those who are falsely accused with the possibility. Brian Banks' story has inspired me to realise that no matter how bad life can be, we should never give up on achieving our goals and never let obstacles get in the way of our dreams and to survive long enough to see it through and to remain hopeful for better things to come. 

"The future is bright for Brian Banks"

Gender Politics: Entry #2

Ban the word "Bossy"

Apparently, there's a campaign that is organised by Sheryl Sandberg, an american entrepreneur and Chief operating officer (COO) of Facebook to ban the word bossy over the belief it would discourage young girls from pursuing a career that involves leadership as she had been called bossy when she was younger and it offended her. Right, there are worst words to be called other than bossy and they should be banned, but they're not as people still say them. Sure there are consequences for people who say such offensive words, but it will not stop them from saying them because of a thing called freedom of speech and the fact that many people in the world do not care as long as they express their opinions of used to help describe another person. 

So far, Sheryl is an amazing and successful businesswoman with a high position in Facebook, even though she was called bossy at a young age, did she let the word bossy discourage her from becoming a success? Obviously no, because words do not dictate how an individual leads their life, neither should it define who that individual is but defined by their actions and the motive behind them. I believe banning the word bossy is her way of trying to configure society to conform to her point of view at the cost of depriving others of their own freedom of speech and other civil liberates, which i find kinda selfish because she wants everything to change to suit her own point of view and everyone to agree with her, starting with the word bossy. By the looks of it, Sheryl is being bossy herself, considering the irony when she is trying to ban the word "bossy" and pushing people to agree with her.

I also believe Sheryl's idea of the 'ban bossy' campaign is in fact illustrating her disappointment with the numbers of women in leadership roles which are low compared to that of men and desires more women. I can see her point, but not all women and men  are born with the necessary ability to be leaders, neither they are interested in pursuing leadership roles as it depends on their personnel preferences and Sheryl wants more women to reach her own expectations to satisfy her own agenda as she does not speak for all women and not all women should be successful in her own image and only their own.

On second thought, maybe the campaign on banning the word bossy is nothing to do with banning the word itself, rather demolishing the double standards in regards to gender in society where the word bossy is being used. For example, if a man is called bossy, it is assumed that he is a leader, but if a woman is called "bossy", she is being mean or being seen as bully or a "bitch" and that is far worst than "bossy". Fair enough, this could discourage women from pursuing leadership roles as it would question their ability as a leader and be concerned on how others would think of them. 

However, Sheryl must realise men are likely to be discouraged from pursuing leadership roles if they too are called "bossy" as they don't want to be seen as mean or a bully or being called "asshole" or a "dick" as those are worst names to call men when they appear to be "bossy" towards people. If Sheryl believes the word "bossy" would discourage women from pursing leadership roles, perhaps they are not suited be leaders if they let trivial things like being called "bossy" should prevent them from succeeding as Sheryl herself did not, after all she is a successful businesswoman. 

I believe the campaign to ban the word bossy is pointless, yet irrelevant because people are going to keep on using that word because of freedom of speech and the word bossy isn't exactly offensive, neither should it be a big deal and people should not let words define their entire being or prevent them from wanting to pursue careers in leadership.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Gender Politics: Entry #1

 The Damsel in Distress Trope:

A Necessary Evil?

This blog address a topic about the trope known as damsel in distress, a plot device used in fiction where women are portrayed as beautiful, yet passive and helpless in dangerous situations where they are rescued by a man who is portrayed as handsome, athletic an courageous. What caught my attention about the "Damsel in Distress" trope is when i was watched a video series on youtube titled "tropes vs women in video games" where a feminist named Anita Sarkeesian was criticising video games for depicting women as weak and helpless victims who is depend on a man to protect them when they cannot protect themselves. 

In the trope vs women video series, Anita believes the damsel in distress trope involves using acts of violence against women in video games where they are beaten, tortured and murdered as a plot device to develop the story of the game further and to further develop the character of the male protagonist, referencing the "women in refrigerator" along with using violence in a story where the only way to save the female character is to end her life. She also believes the damsel in distress trope objectifies women as they are considered as objects like "prizes to be won" or "treasures to be found" rather than living beings with thoughts and emotion. 

From her point view, Anita believes the damsel in distress trope in video games reinforces gender stereotypes that women are weak and helpless, implying that videos games are promoting sexism and misogyny as it degrades women and includes the use of violence against women. If that's the case, then why people both men and women enjoy playing these "sexist" or "misogynistic" video games? News flash, it works! the damsel in distress trope works well as a convenient plot device for engaging storytelling and to move the story further, although the trope is overused, perhaps lazy or arguably predictable, it has no intention of reinforcing gender stereotypes or degrading women.

The trope, in fact it illustrates heroism, where people risking their lives to same someone who they care about. Is it sexist where a woman is in danger and a man has risk his life to save her because he cares even if he would die in the process? What if a woman who is risking her own life to save a man, knowing she would die, is that sexist?  No, because both cases displays heroism, not sexism, especially against women. Not only the trope is about heroism, but it is also romantic because the characters would risk their lives and go to the ends of the earth to save and be reunited with their loved ones, even if the odds are against them. 

As for video games using violence against women, where women are to be killed as it is the only way to save them is not intended to be misogynic an act of euthanasia, where an individual ends the life of another to end his or her suffering. This is a difficult, yet heartbreaking scenario in video games storytelling because this places the protagonist in a situation where it would question the morals and goes against the beliefs of the protagonist when he or she has to kill their loved ones in order to relieve them of their suffering or to prevent a doomsday scenario. It also invokes emotional responses to the player and realising the protagonist is not the hero that he, she or the player as lead to believe. 

When Anita Sarkeesian claims video games reinforces gender stereotypes in videos games and promoting sexism because of the overuse of the damsel in distress trope as storytelling plot device, she implies the game developers to be sexist as game developers are mostly commonly men as the gaming industry is predominately male. However, the damsel in distress trope has been used romance and they written by women and they use the damsel in distress trope more frequently. Shouldn't that be sexist for depicting women as the damsel in distress in romance novels? No, because it is a convenient and necessary plot device that works for providing an engaging and emotional storytelling, especially in video games. 

In the end, the damsel in distress trope is just a plot device used for storytelling, despite being overused and there's no denying that, but it was never intended to degrade women and promote sexism. Nevertheless, as long as the trope works as a component for storytelling that provides interesting stories to entertain and inspire its audience, although it may unintentionally offend people like Anita Sarkeesian, then the damsel in distress trope is or can be indeed as necessary evil.